The Common Message
The common message emerging though diverse disciplines
from ancient spirituality through modern science is that
we create our our own reality.
From Framework2 Media
These recommended texts support this hypothesis.
Notes on Complexity:
A Scientific Theory of Connection, Consciousness, and Being
By Neil Theise
In depth, unorthodox and accessible study of complexity theory
Respected scientist challenges traditional views and shows how complexity theory supports panpsychism; the philosophical concept that assumes consciousness pervades the universe.
The Case Against Reality
By Donald Hoffman
Sound scientific theory showing consciousness as fundamental
Working with mathematical formulas, a Professor for Cognitive Sciences follows the theory
of evolution to its logical conclusion and finds that what humans perceive as reality is actually
a kind of graphical interface to a much more complex “vast social network of conscious agents”.
The Nature of Personal Reality
By Jane Roberts
Groundbreaking classic that is both dense and rewarding
In what some consider the foundational work of our time on the subject, channeled entity Seth uses extensive metaphor to communicate the unfathomably complex, yet exquisitely elegant mechanics of the universe we inhabit.
The Holographic Universe:
The Revolutionary Theory of Reality
By Michael Talbot
Accessible quantum physics, neuro-science and more
This popular and easy-to-read exploration takes a fascinating dive into the theory that reality is in fact a hologram and consults many scientific studies across multiple disciplines in search of truth.
Ask and It Is Given:
Learning to Manifest Your Desires
By Esther Hicks
An owners manual for the reality you create
In this seminal work by the author that inspired the popular book “The Secret”, Abraham explains in common language how the universe functions, and how to use its structure to lead a joyful life.
By Three Initiates
Both ancient Hermetics and ideas from the New Thought movement
This 1908 classic tome covers the seven Hermetic principles including "The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental." and "Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."
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